
Imprint 3DMS film production munich



Imprint 3DMS film production munich
according to §6 Teledienstegesetz (TDG)
Responsible editor and webmaster for the planning, realization and support of the internet content as well as for the administration of the domain https://3dms.de:
3DMS film production munich
Westendstreet 177
80686 Munich
VAT ID No.: DE 191057826
Tax number 145/164/70128
Phone: +49-(0)89-78796604
Fax: +49-(0)89-78796599
Web: https://3dms.de
All contributions published by 3DMS Filmproduktion München ( https://3dms.de ) are protected by copyright. All rights reserved, including translations. Reproduction of any kind, whether photocopy, microfilm or recording in data processing systems, only with written permission of 3DMS FIlmproduktion Munich.
Trademark protection 
Registered trademarks belong to their legal owners. Other trademarks and names are the property of their respective owners.
Layout, conception, technical realization and programming:
L a r i s c h , Nico
Westendstreet 177
Web: https://nico-larisch.de

LEGAL NOTICE REGARDING HYPERLINKS: We do not adopt the content of linked or recommended websites as our own and accept no liability for any legal violations on these sites. The author therefore expressly declares that at the time of linking the corresponding websites were free of illegal content. The author has no influence on the current and future design and content of the recommended websites and useful links.